
Dà Má Press :

Rights, Permissions & Citations

Rights, Permissions & Citations info for using/citing our work:



Permissions / Citing Material From Our Website

All material published on our website (HTML/website pages and downloadable documents/PDF files) is provided under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International license: ok to copy/share/cite our material as long as attribution is provided. 

Cite as: The Da Ma Collective (accessed on _Date_), Page Title,



Subsidiary Rights

For Foreign-language translations, English-language reprint editions, or film and dramatic rights availability of works published by Dà Má Press, please contact us.



Requesting Permission To Use Materials Published By Dà Má Press

This Permissions policy applies to all print publications (i.e. anything with an ISBN number) published by Dà Má Press (for Da Ma Collective online/website permissions please see above):

To request permission to reprint materials from Dà Má Press publications, please submit your request via email.


For each work for which you are seeking permission, you must include the following:

  • Book title,
  • Author or editor,
  • Page number(s) used
  • Title of chapter or poem.
  • We will also need information on your planned publication: the title, author or editor, publisher, proposed publication date, price, distribution (e.g., U.S. only, world), format (e.g., paperback), and the number of copies to be printed.